A Child of Six Could Do It!

I love the front cover to this book, it often springs to mind when my pupils ask me questions about certain types of visual art (mainly the abstract ones!). They often ask “but i could do that! What makes it so special?”, or “so if painted like Jackson Pollock, does that mean that I could sell my painting for a million pounds?!”. Often, my pupils forget that art can have significant historic and cultural importance, reflect a period of human thinking, depict a part of the artist’s soul, have a different meaning for every viewer, will often be unique/original, and the list can go on. Once this is understood, it is really no surprise that art can sell for extravagant amounts of money!

A Child of Six Could Do It!


Colour Theory Posters

I am great lover of well designed posters (and also ones that can be printed out without coming out blurry!). These two posters pack a lot of info into a small area and can be a good reference tool for GCSE pupils who need to develop the use of colour in their work. I also like the way it shows clearly what each term means with examples. I have to be honest I wasn’t sure what Tetradic colours were before I saw these! Thanks to inkfumes for the designs!

Colour Theory Colour Theory